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Time is for me || Thoughts

Recently, I've realized something that made my life less stressful. It was only two sentences:

Time is for you. 
You are not for time.

These two sentences hit me when I was giving up my second degree course. Of course, there were other reasons why I did this. But time was one of it. First of all, I didn't have time to study. And secondly, I realized I can move this course in time. 

These sentences made me go through it all a lot easier. I didn't feel guilty or disappointed with myself. It was not my life failure, because I don't have to do everything at once. I can easily finish my first course of studies. And after that I can start a new one. I don't have to resign from anything. I don't have to hurry. 

Time is for you.
A couple days ago I was reading a book. A very boring book. Someone would ask why? Last year I found a list of books you have to read before you die. So I had been reading books from this list since then. Some of them were great and some of them were a waste of time. 

While I was sitting and hardly focusing on what is happening in story, I reminded myself that life is too short. I do not have time for unpleasant things. Especially when I do not have to do them. There are many other books I'd love to read before I die. Without any guilt I put this book on a shelf. And maybe, just a little chance, I will come back to it in future.

These two sentences are very helpful in life. I am trying to repeat them a lot. Not only when I am doing something I do not like. But also when I am watching TV or surfing the net. In these situations I like to add one more.

Time is for you.
You are not for time.
Please, spend it wisely.
