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Four easy steps to not give up on achieving your resolutions || Lifestyle

It is this time of the year when I sit down with a cup of tea and look back at my New Year’s Resolutions. It is four months of New Year and I think it is the best time to motivate myself to fulfill all the points on the list. Of course if this list is having steps to be achieved not dream goals. I have already written how I like to create my resolutions (New Year's Resolution). Anyway, here are things I do when I go through all the points.

If at this time of the year I see I am not really into the resolutions fulfilling, I like to grade. What I mean here is I evaluate each point and mark one or two the most important I cannot give up on. All the others are put in new order but I am not so stressed out if I do not achieve them. Of course I do not give up on them but this helps me with negative emotions I have when I realize I will probably fail.

Write down the ones not started yet
When I grade all my resolutions I write down the ones I haven’t started to do anything serious with. I like to see the balance here. I feel good when it is positive (most of my goals are moved). But I try not to get too upset when I discover the balance is negative (my goals are still in my dreams). This only means I have to change my perception and the way I motivate myself.  Maybe get someone who will motivate me more every day.

I like this word because it allows me to change. Sometimes the changes are the best solution. What I do is I try to modify the little steps which were supposed to help me with achieving my goals. Some of them are still too general, for example, Once a week I will practice my English. I change it into: On each Saturday I will practice my English for 40 minutes or so. So every Saturday no matter what I am obligated to sit down for 40 minutes and practice. Of course I do not have to do it but I will probably feel bad if I don’t. Especially now when I specify the conditions.

To some of my goals harder to achieve, I write the reward I will give myself if I fully accomplish them. It is always something like: I will buy the dress I wanted but which was a little more expensive than the other ones. Or: I will have my nails done by a professional beautician and not by myself as usual; I will buy myself a cake. This can be anything that you do not usually do but only on special occasions.

Those things help me to look at my resolutions and not get disappointed with myself. Also, they help me with better organizing and as a result accomplish all of them.

I hope this will help you with your resolutions and making them happen. Let me know in the comments below do you find this helpful? 
