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Why I started writing a blog? || Thoughts


Since I was little I loved to write and create. I still write a diary. I have already 15 of them. Writing is one of those activities that make me happy. When I went to school I started to learn English. I fell in love with it within first few lessons. Everything sounds better in this language for me. I was writing a lot in English and I loved it. One of my favourites when it comes to writing were stories. I still love creating new plots and people and just write their life, as I want.

As I was growing up I started to have more and more interests. I remember that I had few notebooks with pictures of different cosmetics, hair, makeup and my opinion about them. But one day it wasn't enough. I wanted to share with people what I think about different things. Of course, not only beauty products, but also my other thoughts. My diary wasn't enough. I started with my friends but because I do not have many I started to think about a blog.

I was a bit scared at first. But then I thought why not? Why hold back? Why don't make today a day when I get out of my comfort zone? And here I am writing another blog post. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to write regularly but I try my best because I like it.
